First Time. Pizza and Me.

MPizzaiandmey first pizza. I used the pizza dough recipe from The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook made the sauce and carmelized onions from and cooked on an Emile Henry pizza stone in an oven that goes to 550 degrees. Not bad for a first try. I will make the crust thinner next time but even with this thickness, the crust was perfect.  

Do you have a pizza secret to share?

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Adri says:

    What a great shot, and what a beautiful pizza. I’d love to try some! No secrets from me, but you might enjoy experimenting with different kinds of flour, just to see what results you get. Try some 00 flour, or maybe some hard wheat semola. Also, look for a specific 00 flour called rinforzato. It is a special blend of wheats and yields a dough with some very spiffy bubbles. Or you might want to add a little rye flour – say a 1/4 cup for extra flavor. Whole wheat gives some nice flavor and chew too. King Arthur makes a nice flour they call “White Whole Wheat.” It is a wholemeal flour ground from a special variety of wheat that is not as super wheaty tasting as KA’s standard whole wheat. You might want to go for some of Antimo Caputo’s Pizza Blend – another 00 flour (finely ground is all the 00 means – doppio zero is what it si called in Italian.) There’s endless experimentation! That’s for sure. I wish we could work together. We’d have a ball… of dough!


    1. Wow. Thanks Adri for all this great information. I did use the King Arthur’s While Whole Wheat flour mixed with some regular white flour – about 50/50 – but I would love to try some other variations.


  2. James Lilley says:

    Looks nice, shame my oven only goes upto 220 😦


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